Internal Security

This page is designed as a comprehensive resource covering all topics related to Internal Security for the UPSC exam.

Basics of Internal Security


Developmental Challenges and Extremism

Challenges from Media

Border Management

Cyber Security

Money Laundering


What is internal security?

Think of it like the rules and actions a country takes to keep peace inside its borders, stopping anything that can cause harm, like terrorism or cyber attacks.

Why do UPSC aspirants need to study it?

UPSC aspirants need to study Internal Security because it’s a crucial part of the Mains syllabus.

Best way to study internal security for UPSC?

The best way to study Internal Security for the UPSC is by closely following these structured compass notes specifically tailored for this section, attending dedicated classes to deepen understanding, and practicing a wide variety of questions to enhance application skills and exam readiness.

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