Space start-up sends SAR on High-Altitude Platform

Context: Bengaluru-based space start-up, Galaxeye Space has flown a synthetic aperture radar (SAR) developed by it on a High-Altitude Platform station (HAPS) of the National Aerospace Laboratories, based in Pune.

About Synthetic Aperture Radar

  • SAR is a powerful remote sensing tool that can see through cloud and vegetation cover to picture the ground below. 
  • HAPS are like big drones, they can be moved, or made to hover over a certain country or a region.
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High-altitude platform stations: 

  • High-altitude platform stations (HAPS) are aircrafts that can fly at an altitude of 18-20 km from the ground (stratosphere), almost double the heights attained by commercial aeroplanes. 
  • HAPs are of many types: Balloons, airships and unmanned aerial vehicles. 
  • They are typically solar-powered so can remain in the air for months and even years, giving the advantage of a satellite.
  • They can carry payloads of up to 40 kg.

Differences between HAPS and Satellites:  

S.No. Category HAPSSatellites 
AltitudeOperates in the stratosphere, 18-20 km above the Earth.Range varies from Low Earth Orbit (LEO) at 200-2000 km to Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) at 36,000 km.
Coverage Covers a specific area, typically up to 400 km in diameter.Can offer spot coverage (LEO) as well as global coverage (GEO). 
Latency Lower latency due to their closer proximity to Earth, ideal for real-time applications.Higher latency, especially for GEO satellites, which can cause signal delays.
CostGenerally cheaper than satellites due to no need for a rocket launch.Launching and maintaining satellites in space is expensive.
Applications Providing remote internet connectivity, remote sensing, disaster response communication, border surveillance and defence applications.Global communication networks, navigation (GPS), earth observation.

Practice Question: 

Q. Consider the following statements with reference to High Altitude Platform Stations (HAPS):

1. HAPS are unmanned air vehicles that fly in the troposphere.

2. HAPS primarily are battery-powered and cannot remain in the air for longer duration.

3. The utility of HAPS is border surveillance and disaster response communication.

How many of the above statements are correct?

(a) Only one

(b) Only two

(c) All three

(d) None

Answer: (a) (Only statement 3 is correct)


Q. With reference to the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System (IRNSS), consider the following statements:

(1) IRNSS has three satellites in geostationary and four satellites in geosynchronous orbits.

(2) IRNSS covers the entire India and about 5500 sq. km. beyond its borders.

(3) India will have its own satellite navigation system with full global coverage by the middle of 2019.

Which of the statements given above is/are correct?

(a) 1 only

(b) 1 and 2 only

(c) 2 and 3 only

(d) None

Answer: (a) 

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