Free NCERT Books for UPSC Preparation: Class 6-12 [Download]

FREE NCERT books for upsc exam

NCERT books for UPSC are not just textbooks; they are your first companions in understanding the core concepts required to crack the civil services examination.

Accessing NCERT books from Class 6 to 12 has become easier than ever with online resources and digital platforms. Now you can effortlessly download NCERT textbooks in PDF format from this page or explore alternative methods such as Official NCERT mobile applications and e-library platforms.

NCERT books provide a comprehensive coverage of various subjects like history, geography, economics, political science, science, etc. They are designed by experts and cover the basic concepts and topics in a structured manner.

These books are known for their simplicity and clarity of concepts. They explain complex topics in a lucid language, making it easier for students to understand and grasp the fundamental concepts.

NCERT Books for Class 6 to 12th

NCERT Subject wise Books for Class 6 to 12th

NCERT Books for Class 12

History & Culture
Political Science

NCERT Books for Class 11

History & Culture
Political Science

NCERT Books for Class 10

Social Science

NCERT Books for Class 9

Social Science

NCERT Books for Class 8

Social Science

NCERT Books for Class 7

Social Science

NCERT Books for Class 6

Social Science

Benefits of NCERT Books:

  1. Basic Understanding: NCERT books provide a clear and concise understanding of fundamental concepts which are crucial for solving UPSC questions.
  2. Simplicity: The easy-to-understand language makes complex topics accessible to all aspirants.
  3. Authenticity: Being government publications, they offer authentic and reliable information.
  4. Cost-effective: NCERT books are economically priced, making them an affordable choice for UPSC aspirants.
  5. Coverage: These books cover a vast spectrum of topics aligning with the UPSC syllabus.

How to Utilize NCERT Books:

  • Sequential Study: Begin with NCERT books from lower classes (6th to 8th) to grasp basic concepts, progressing to higher classes (9th to 12th) for a deeper understanding.
  • Note-Taking: While reading, jot down important points, formulae, and facts, which will be helpful for quick revisions.
  • Revision: Allocate time for regular revision to reinforce the concepts and facts learned.
  • Practice: Solve exercises and previous year UPSC questions related to the topics studied.
  • Linking Concepts: Connect the dots between various subjects and topics to develop an interdisciplinary understanding.
  • Supplementary Reading: After mastering NCERTs, move on to advanced books and coaching material for comprehensive coverage.
  • Discussion: Engage in discussion groups to clarify doubts and gain different perspectives on the topics studied.
  • Mock Tests: Apply the knowledge acquired from NCERT books in solving mock tests to gauge your preparation level and improve time management.

The syllabus of UPSC examinations is vast and covers a wide range of topics. NCERT books, especially those of Class 6 to 12, align well with the UPSC syllabus. They provide the necessary content and information required for the exam, ensuring that candidates cover the essential topics thoroughly.

While NCERT books are crucial for building a strong foundation, it is important to note that they should not be the sole source of preparation for the UPSC exams. Aspirants should supplement their studies with other relevant reference books, current affairs materials, newspapers, and practice tests to have a well-rounded preparation strategy.


How essential are NCERT books for UPSC preparation?

NCERT books are fundamental for building a strong conceptual base, crucial for UPSC preparation.

Should I read NCERT books for all subjects?

Yes, reading NCERT books for all subjects ensures a well-rounded understanding essential for UPSC.

Which class NCERT books should I start with?

It’s advisable to start with NCERT books from classes 6th to 8th and then progress to higher classes.

How often should I revise the NCERT books?

Think of revising NCERT books like visiting an old friend. The more you visit, the better you know them. It’s good to have a quick catch-up frequently, maybe once a week or every few days.

The NCERT books for UPSC are your initial stepping stones towards achieving your civil service aspirations. Embrace the simplicity, authenticity, and comprehensive coverage offered by these books to build a solid foundation for your UPSC preparation journey. Your expedition towards becoming a civil servant begins with a page-turn in an NCERT book.

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