Process of Persuasion

  • Attention is regulated perception. For the source to catch the attention of the target group, the message. presented should be interesting and distinct and creates curiosity in the receiver.
  • Comprehension: Refers to the ability of the source to make the target group understand the message, and this is made possible only when it is designed taking into cognisance the target group’s frame of reference.
  • Retention: The target group should be able to retain and retrieve the message presented, and for this, the sender tries to present the message repeatedly, if necessary, highlight the salient points in the message.
  • Acceptance and action: Persuasion is successful if the target group not only receives the message but also acts upon it in the manner intended by the source.
    • Persuasion is receiver centric exercise. It is not what the source says; it is what the receiver understands. Successful persuasion is said to occur when there is a minimum discrepancy between the intended and the perceived meaning, and for this to happen, the field of experience of the persuader and the persuade must overlap.
    • For the persuader to be successful in persuasion, he must deliver the messages in a manner that can overcome the various barriers that operate between the persuader and the persuade.

The Barriers in the way of Persuasion

  1. Sematic
  2. Psychological
  3. Physical


  • Semantic refers to the science of meaning, and semantic barriers arise because words or symbols have more than one meaning (Ashwatthama Mara Gaya).  They may also occur because of the presence of scientific or technical worlds in the message.  Some barriers also arise because of a discrepancy between the verbal and non-verbal aspects of the message.
  • These barriers can be overcome by-
    • The use of receiver-friendly symbols.
    • By ensuring that there is no discrepancy between the verbal and non-verbal aspects of the message,
    • By making communication idea centric rather than word-centric,
    • Use illustrations and relevant examples to support the verbal message.


  • Psychological Barriers arise because-
    • Incompatibility between the attitudes and values of the persuader and the persuader.
    • Emotional difference between the source and receiver.
    • The power distance between the source and receiver.
    • The trust deficit.
  • The psychological barrier cannot be easily removed because they arise because of personality inadequacies in the source and receiver.
  • To remove these barriers, a climate of trust and understanding is to be created, which will require non-judgemental acceptance of the target group and a display of empathetic understanding and unconditional positive regard towards them.


  • Physical Barriers arise because of the disturbances in the environment that obstructs or impede the flow of communication. These barriers can easily be overcome by redesigning the physical environment.
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