UPSC CSAT Answer key 2023 Prelims Exam : GS Paper – 2 | SET A

UPSC CSAT Answer key is an essential tool for candidates to evaluate their performance and estimate their expected score in Exam. The answer key provides candidates with correct answers to the questions asked in the exam, allowing them to compare their responses and assess their performance.

In this article, we will delve into the significance of the UPSC CSAT and how Rau’s IAS, with its exceptional study material and answer key, empowers aspirants to tackle this exam with confidence and proficiency.

UPSC CSAT 2023 Answer Key: GS Paper 2

UPSC CSAT answer key SET A

Overview of UPSC CSAT 2023 Prelims: Exploring GS Paper – 2

The UPSC CSAT 2023 Prelims included challenging questions in the General Studies Paper – 2, with a total of 80 questions. This paper, worth 200 marks, had to be completed in 2 hours.

Rau’s IAS has provided a detailed UPSC CSAT Answer Key for GS Paper – 2, available as a downloadable PDF. This answer key helps candidates compare their answers with the correct ones, giving them an idea of their expected score and areas of improvement.

CSAT Paper Pattern

PaperNumber of QuestionsMaximum MarksTotal duration
CSAT/ General Studies II802002 hours

See: UPSC GS Paper – 1 Answer Key with Explanation

The UPSC CSAT is a fundamental component of the Civil Services Preliminary Examination. It is designed to evaluate the candidates’ general aptitude, analytical and logical reasoning, decision-making, and comprehension skills. This paper, while qualifying in nature, is integral for determining an aspirant’s eligibility to appear for the Main Examination.

Having the UPSC CSAT Answer Key for GS Paper – 2 is crucial for self-assessment and better preparation for the next stages of the Civil Services Examination. It helps candidates analyze their performance and plan their study strategy accordingly.

See also: Best CSAT Books for UPSC Prelims

Prelims 2024 Paper
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